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Open Space Committee Minutes 04/11/2008
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Christ the King Church

Minutes: April 11, 2008

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:33 with OSC members Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Robert DePianta, Judi Glover, George James, Connie Kastelowitz, and Ted Kiritsis in attendance. Also present was Old Lyme resident John Alexander.

Upon motion by George and second by Judi the minutes of the March 14, 2008 meeting were approved.

Property Updates
a) Old Lyme Heights
Diana has been contacted by the National Guard inquiring about interest in potential purchase for Town use of property of about 23 acres on the Post Road being developed by Hussein Mushin as Old Lyme Heights. The attraction to Old Lyme of this inquiry is that there is a Federal program that would pay up to 75% of the cost of the purchase and State law allows for such arrangements. The balance of the cost of purchase would then be paid by the Town or, possibly, by OLCT.  In discussion George noted for reference that the price of the Mushin property at the time of his purchase was about $10k per acre. George also asked about the Stones Ranch Military Reservation land consisting of about 43 acres surrounded on three sides by privately owned property and bordered on the East by the Post Road and about which there have been previous explorations about arranging public access to this, currently, unused Reservation land. The OSC consensus was that Diana should pursue discussions with the National Guard about the arrangements and potential costs to the town of the proposed purchase of the Old Lyme Heights property.

b) Open Space Plan
There was a discussion concerning the prioritization of property to be considered for purchase as open space. Diana noted that the 1997 Old Lyme Open Space Plan map showing designated waterways and greenways represented the best overall structure for long range planning for and prioritization of the purchase of land for open space. Amanda noted that it would be a good idea to get a list of foreclosures in Town from Marylin Clarke for possible consideration for purchase as open space.

c) Gerr Property
George indicated that he had had no contact with Carl Gerr to report on.

a) Lord’s Woods development
Diana reported that she has sent a letter to Inland Wetlands Commission indicating that there has been no action by Bassan Awwa toward remediation for past and potentially continuing damage to open space at Lord’s Woods development. She also reported that Awwa’s attorney, Mark Block, had given a letter to the Town agreeing to the stipulated payment of $75k in damages for the open space encroachment. She has signed the letter of agreement for OSC but First Selectman Griswold had not yet signed. In discussion George asked about transfer of the Lord’s Woods open space to the Town and it was noted that there had yet been no Town vote to approve the transfer.

b) Pedersen subdivision
Diana reported that that plans for the 17-lot subdivision on Burr Road have been approved.

Comments were solicited on the Conservation Easement/Open Space Monitoring and Enforcement Policy for the Town of Old Lyme, which had previously been distributed to OSC members, but no specific recommendations or modifications were offered in discussion by OSC. A draft letter by Diana to property owners with conservation easements was reviewed by OSC. The letter is intended to inform these property owners that they will be contacted by OSC to schedule the required monitoring survey of their open space property. As a result of Committee discussion, Diana will rephrase the letter and include the terms of the Conservation Easement and monitoring policy as an attachment to the letter for reference by the property owner.

Old Business
a) I-95 Expansion
Ted presented results of a meeting, attended by him and Peter, with Dave and Arnette McCulloch, and Chris Vassiloff about the ConnDOT plans for expansion of I-95. Chris Vassiloff has studied the planned highway expansion at exit 70 and the town center and its impact on Halls Road, Shore Road, the I-95 exit 70 entrance and exit and the wetlands in that area, and has proposed a California-style elevated highway from Baldwin Bridge through the Town center to mitigate the visual impact and effect on the wetlands of the passage of I-95 through the center portion of Old Lyme. Ted showed renderings prepared by Chris of the DOT planned expansion and of his alternate, an elevated highway scheme. Discussion by OSC of the Vassiloff concerns and approach was positive. It was proposed that Ted and Peter attend a Selectmans’ meeting and request that an ad hoc Town committee be formed to address the I-95 expansion issues.

b) Trail book
No work on the trail book to report.

c)Champlain North perimeter walk
No date for a perimeter walk has been set.

d) Town open space workday
George reported that there needed to be tree trimming work and bramble removal at Champlain South and that a schedule for that work would be set.

e) Eagle Scout project
Diana reported that Eagle Scout candidate, Evan Amway, is still planning to initiate his Whippoorwill Road trail-clearing project in April.

f) Fire well meeting
Diana reported that a continuation of the meeting of March 20, 2008 on fire wells, fire ponds and storage tanks had been set for Monday, April 14, 2008 at Christ the King Church to address unresolved issues.

New Business
a) Neighborhood open space walk
George suggested that OSC organize a walk of open space areas in the Meeting House Lane and Johnny Cake Hill neighborhood for residents of the neighborhood to highlight the open space areas.

b) ATV legislation
Diana reported that there was a bill in the legislature requiring ATV registration and also requiring display of registration on each State registered ATV.

At 10:25 on a motion by Ted second by Connie, it was voted to adjourn the meeting to conduct a survey of the status of the Lord’s Woods development designated open space.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable